The Busby Alarm Panel is a lamp and buzzer panel style view of alarms in the Busby Alarm System.
The layout of the Alarm Panel is customisable, and is set up using the following heirarchy:
Page --> Strip --> Group --> Alarm
Where multiple pages and groups are available, the selected page/group is displayed in light blue.
The alarm panel displays the latest status from the Busby Alarm Service. The alarm panel receives unsolicited status updates, so does not need to be refreshed to see the latest status.
Depending on the status of the alarms, the alarm buttons change colour accordingly. Please see here for information on alarm states and their respective colours.
The alarm buttons have several features
The number at the bottom left of the alarm button indicates the severity of the alarm. This is configurable in the Busby Configuration Editor.
The sticky note icon in the bottom right hand of the alarm button is solid white if a note for this alarm has been configured in the Busby Configuration Editor, and transparent if not. Clicking on this icon brings up more detailed information about this alarm.
The pop up contains the following information:
The Alarm Panel has 2 action buttons, which appear in the top right of the panel - Receiving Attention and Force Clear All.
Receiving Attention puts all alarms which are currently in the state of alarming, into the state of receiving attention. This state means the alarm is acknowledge and someone is dealing with it.
This button is designed for engineering/supervisor use only, therefore only appears if the user has the appropriate permission. Pressing this button immediately resets all alarms in the system into the normal state.
An Alarm History application is also available to keep track of all alarms that have been triggered, cleared or self-cleared.